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V6RESTful APIs - Master Data

Item codes list


This API returns the list of item codes for creating consignments in consignment API


Since: 20200928


GET /v6-api/rest/types/itemCodes

Response payload sample:

    {"code":"TESTPD",//item code used for consignment API
     "description": "test product",
     "freightCode":"CARTON",//freightCode used for booking consignment
     "customer":"001" //this product can be only used by customerAccount 001
   "description": "test product",
    //this item code can be used for any customer account


Service type list


This API return the list of service type for creating consignments in consignment API


Since: 20200928


GET /v6-api/rest/types/serviceTypes

Response payload sample

    {"code":"SITE1",//service code used for consignment API
     "description": "SITE-TO-SITE",
     "jobType":"ROAD" //job type code used for consignemnt API


Vehicle type list


This API return the list of vehicle type for creating consignments in consignment API

Since: 20200928


GET /v6-api/rest/types/vehicleTypes

Response payload sample

    {"code":"TRUCK3T",//vehicle type code used for consignment API,
      "description": "3 tons truck"


Priority type list


This API return the list of priority type for creating consignments in consignment API


Since: 20200928


GET /v6-api/rest/types/priorityTypes

Response payload sample:


    {"code":"URGENT",//service code used for consignment API,
      "description": "urgent connote"

Import Product Setup


This API is used to import product master data via a CSV file

Since: 1.0


POST /v6-api/rest/products/importcsv


Content-Type: text/csv


Csv format: same as upload via the web

Example: (curl)


curl -H "Content-Type:text/csv" -H "Authorization: ApiKey xx" --data-binary "@path/to/file.csv"


note: (curl command specific) the --data-binary will pass the file data to server as-is without extra encoding it



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