V6RESTful APIs - Item level tracking
Update Item level tracking
The V6 API in item level tracking is called 'barlinka' API
Since: 20210101
POST /v6-api/rest/barlinka/itemtracking/update
Request payload sample
"connoteNo":"VTEST00029",//connote number - required
"itemCodes":["VTEST000290001","VTEST000290002"],//list of scan codes - required
"location": "", //location where the scan occurred, free text field - required
"operation": "", //loading/unloading/delivery - required
"scannedTime":"2021-04-20 13:05",//yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm or yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss - required
"reason":"DIFOT",//[one of FUTILE,DIFOT,SHORT,DAMAGE] - optional
"reasonText":"provide more details for the reason", //optional
"driver":,//driver name - optional
"signer":,//the signer name, if this scan has a signature - optional
"signatureType": //must be "image/png;base64" or "image/jpeg;base64"
"signature": //base64-encoded of the signature, optional
"photoType"://must be "image/png;bas64" or "image/jpeg;base64" - if this scan has photo
"photo": //base64-encoded of the photo, optional
"statusDescription": //additional info for status, example: scanned into depot etc..,
//since 20211005
"scannedTz": //timezone (text field, example: Australia/Brisbane, Australia/Sydney, AEDT... this value is from standard name of time zones, the value will not be used in conversion of scannedTime field, but to provide more information. If ommitted, the scannedTime is local time of the scan.)
"lat": //latitude of the scan location, floating point number
"lng": //longitude of the scan location, floating point number
operation: one of loading/unloading/delivery must be specified (operation delivery will set the connote to the final stage)
reason: one of following values: "" (no reason), DIFOT (delivery in-full-on-time), SHORT (some items are missing), FUTILE, DAMAGE.
reasonText: to provide more details on reason, (if SHORT,FUTILE or DAMAGE was the reason)
driver: to provide the driver name if the other system wishes to do so,
signature and photo fields are optional (if the scan comes with signature or photo)